THE ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION topic is giving me such a hard time, since it is really difficult for me to adopt a position in this issue. I know that thanks to this experiments countless medicines and cures for illness have been discovered favouring humanity and so on. However, when I think that all this benefits are achieved inflicting pain and suffering to animals, I just can´t tolerate it. Animals have been suffering for so long due to our eagerness for evolution, and I think that EVOLUTION? is not a justification good enough for what we are doing to them. Why they have to pay for our desire to live forever? I think it is time to find new alternatives!!! I also know that in the mother nature animals eat to each other for food, in order to survive, is our nature. But I think that we have taken this to far, this is not nature, this is an ABERRATION. If supposedly we are superior animals, the most intelligent in this chain, we must be able to reflect seriously about this, as a society, and CHANGE.